A Piece of My Writing: The Power In Sharing Your Story

November 22, 2019
This Adoptee Life

I think one of the biggest reasons so many of us don’t share our story, don’t dare to own our story, is that we are too afraid of what others will think. We base our worth, and the validity of our story, on what others will say.

It took me years from deciding I wanted to write a blog, to register for a blog, and almost a full year from having registered my blog until I made and published my first post. And still today, after little over a year of sharing my story, of speaking openly about my life as an adoptee, and after having gained confidence in my voice as an adult adoptee, every time I press the “Publish”-button, I go through a moment (or a few) of nerve-wrecking doubt in what I just posted. 

However, recently I wrote this piece that I will share with you today. If you wonder why you should write and share your story, if you wonder who will read or listen, if you want to, but doubt if you have anything to say, please, read this.

Sharing your story isn’t easy, but if you do, something might just happen…

“A shift happens when you start telling your story.
In the beginning, it can be scary.
You might fear no one will understand.
You worry people will turn on you.
Or even worse, no one will listen.
But if you get passed the initial fear.
If you start.
Speak it.
Write it.
Sing it.
Just share it.
Now, be aware that before to get to the shift
you have to break.
Break with your fear.
Break with your comfort.
Maybe even break with your idea of who you are.
None of that is easy.
But do not ignore it.
Do not push it aside.
Walk into it.
Embrace it.
Feel it.
Cry if you have to.
Scream if you have to.
Step back if you have to.
Then come back.
Show up again.
And little by little you will hear others.
Voices from afar.
Thank you for telling your story.
It helps to know I am not alone.
Your words comfort me in my own experience.
You have inspired me to tell my story too.
And you will know that your words
are heard,
are helping,
are comforting,
are inspiring.
And when that happens the shift comes.
The fear gives way to the realization that you are taking ownership.
That your story no longer controls you.

The words of the critics no longer pull you down.
Instead, the voices of your tribe are carrying you.

Share your story.
For yourself.
For others.

It is how you will be able to grow into the REAL YOU!”

Written by Amanda Medina

September 26, 2019

PS. We are all in this together!

End of Article
Amanda Medina

Amanda Medina

I was adopted from Medellin, Colombia to Sweden in 1985. I was about a year and a half when I started my life as an adoptee, and it would take 32 years until I was ready to face what that means, what that has always meant, and what that will always mean.

2 thoughts on “A Piece of My Writing: The Power In Sharing Your Story”

  1. Amanda,
    This is truly Beautiful! Your so right we all need to tell our story. We need to talk soon.
    Much Love my friend ❤️❤️
    Kandi ♥️

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