About Me

I am Amanda Medina.

I was born in Colombia. I was adopted to Sweden. I live in the United States. I have found home in God.

About me

"I believe it is a basic human need to feel seen, heard, and loved. We are not meant to do life alone." - Amanda Medina

Coming out of the fog (unpacking my own adoption) was by far the hardest thing I have ever done. It broke me to the core, and I had to let part of myself die off. I wasn’t ready for that, and at one point I didn’t see how I would ever be the same again…

The short version of my story is that I was born in Colombia, sometime in 1984. I don’t know anything about my first two years of life. Well into adulthood, I would tell you that I was not affected by my adoption and that it was all in the past. I was adopted to Sweden, as a baby, and from a young age, I knew I was going to move abroad. I left Sweden, for New York in 2005 and loved being in the big city. I have realized what a perfect match it was for me as an adoptee to be in a place where I got to remain anonymous, but always have people around me. Fast forward a few years and I had my first daughter at the age of 26. This was the first time I met a biological relative, and the first time lacking medical history started to bother me. A few more years, I had another daughter, moved from New Jersey to California, and in my early 30’s I started experiencing anxiety, and anger outbursts. This lead me to start asking questions, trying to figure out the root cause, and I landed on (you guessed it) my adoption. The following 5 years were heavy, dark, and at times very lonely. I was uncovering trauma, and deep-rooted fears and issues I had buried for my entire life. It truly was like opening Pandor’s Box and realizing too late that the only way to go was forward. I started This Adoptee Life, to share my story, and it became where I would work out my entire adoptee experience and much of my healing. With every post I would write and every thing I would share, I wanted to make sure other adoptees would know they are not alone. On social media and on the blog, you could follow my process of coming out of the fog, in real-time. 

The turning point came in 2020 when late in the year, I decided to take a break and spend some time away from This Adoptee Life. To re-charge. After 2 very intense years, it was the first break I had taken from showing up almost daily. During this time, I connected with some of the people who are my mentors, my support, and my coaches today. They taught me about trauma, about finding inner peace, about self-love, and what it means to be authentically yourself.

This next chapter for This Adoptee Life has been one in the making since day one, but it’s only now that I have grown strong enough, confident enough, and peaceful enough, within, to dare step into my purpose, fully. 

And I am so grateful to you, for reading this, and being part of this with me. Thank you for being here, and for showing up for yourself and others. 

We are in this together.

Amanda Medina
This Adoptee Life
If I stay in my anger and darkness, adoption won. I chose to heal, to grow and to love.

Accomplishments and Life experiences.

Let me share with you, some of the things I have worked on, and accomplished, outside of This Adoptee Life.  I will use all my experience as a resource in my work to help adoptees and guide people who are connected to adoption. 

This Adoptee Life Founder

In 2018, I started This Adoptee Life as a blog, to share my story. I wanted to let other adoptees know, they are not alone.

AM Language Services Founder

My love for languages and freedom brought me to start a freelance translation and linguistic review business in 2011. I work with English and Swedish.

Life Coach & NLP Practitioner

My love for connection and applied language has brought me to study Life Coaching and Neurolinguistic Programing, to incorporate into my work with This Adoptee Life.

Academic Excellence

I came to the US in 2005, on an international study visa. I graduated with honors and on the Dean's list from Borough of Manhattan Community College, and went on to attend Columbia University before starting my business in 2011.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Member

In 2006, I was invited to, and joined, Phi Theta Kappa, an international college honor society.

Certifications, Degrees, and Experience

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Professional Certified Coach, PCC

Habitant sed nibh feugiat habitant amet volutpat feugiat. Orci mi, parturient bibendum vulputate viverra varius id.

ACCG Accredited ADHD Coach

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Member of ABC, DEF

Orci mi, parturient bibendum vulputate viverra varius id. Habitant sed nibh feugiat habitant amet volutpat feugiat.

Career Specialty Services Provider, CSS

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